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Launched in 2020, by “Chef Nomi”, SushiSwap crypto is a smart contract-based decentralized exchange (DEX) and automated market maker (AMM) that runs on the Ethereum blockchain. SushiSwap is a community-run DeFi initiative that uses revenue-sharing and community-driven network processes to better align incentives for network users.

It must be noted that decentralized exchanges like SushiSwap provide a safe environment for peer-to-peer cryptocurrency transactions without the need of integrating an intermediary. And, since SushiSwap has its own AMM, its assets are priced using a pricing algorithm rather than an order book, as regular exchanges do.

Connecting Your SushiSwap Crypto Account To ZenLedger

  • To import your transactions, log in to Sushiswap and copy your receiving address.
  • Paste the receiving address you copied from Sushiswap into the wallet address field in ZenLedger.
  • Select the proper coin from the dropdown list.
  • Select if the wallet is based in the USA or not.
  • Then hit add coin.

How To Generate SushiSwap Crypto Tax Forms

After you’ve connected your Sushiswap account, completed your import, and confirmed that your transaction information and tax liabilities are correct, simply click to download your forms!

What Is SushiSwap Crypto: How Does It Work?

SushiSwap is an AMM (automatic market maker) and DeFi token with a rapidly expanding user base. Uniswap, one of the most popular Ethereum Dapps in the world, was the inspiration for the DEX. SushiSwap, in particular, expands the platform’s community control mechanisms and DeFi capabilities. SushiSwap is a fork of Uniswap that adds the appetizing SUSHI token.

  • SushiSwap crypto is based on the Ethereum blockchain and works with any ERC-20-compliant wallet. SushiSwap crypto makes it possible for users to purchase and sell several cryptocurrencies. Each exchange costs 0.3 percent in fees, with 0.25 percent going to liquidity providers and the remaining 0.05 percent being converted to SUSHI and given to SUSHI token holders.

How To Provide Liquidity for SushiSwap?

By linking the Ethereum wallet to the SushiSwap account, anybody can contribute liquidity to SushiSwap’s pools. The pool’s assets are locked inside a smart contract in a 1:1 ratio. Users can also opt to provide liquidity for trade pairs that are not present by actually giving cryptocurrencies to new pools. They get to establish the initial exchange ratio (price) as the first LP, which will very certainly fix itself while others add coins to the pools via arbitrage.

If you want to stake Uniswap tokens in return for SUSHI, step 1 is to acquire those tokens. Here’s an example of how.

  1. Head to Uniswap
  2. Switch to the Pool tab
  3. Click Add liquidity
  4. The base should, by default, be ETH (if not, select ETH)
  5. Click on Select a token and search for UMA
  6. Now enter the amount of ETH and UMA you want to add to the liquidity pool
  7. Add the liquidity to the pool and you’ll receive ETH-UMA UNI-V2 LP tokens 

Note: We have provided liquidity for UMA-ETH in this example, however, you can follow the same process with any pair of your choosing (provided the LP tokens are usable on SushiSwap).

What Are The Benefits Of SushiSwap Crypto?

SushiSwap is designed specifically for DeFi subscribers. Anyone may use the platform to trade tokens and offer liquidity to pools. SushiSwap offers customers a variety of options for earning a passive income with no risk. Mentioned below are the benefits of SushiSwap crypto.

  • Could be a great medium for passive income
  • SushiSwap users have to pay only 0.3% in fee when they join a liquidity pool which is an affordable price point
  • Allows users to vote on all important upgrades and protocol modifications
  • DeFi users can utilize SushiSwap to access the most popular services, such as staking and farming.
  • SLP tokens may be staked to earn SUSHI, and SUSHI can be staked for xSUSHI to gain prizes

Closing Thoughts

SushiSwap is a platform that allows users to quickly and easily swap cryptocurrency assets while also earning fees by providing crypto to a liquidity pool. SushiSwap has created a lot of noise in the DeFi space, fast outpacing several other well-known DeFi ventures in the percentage of overall worth secured.